Moor Boxes

How To Make A Box File Layout

This page gives an outline of how build a box file layout.

It concentrates in general on a single oval box. Obviously I'm not about to give all the 'secrets' away! However, the points below should give anyone thinking of 'having a go' a good start...

  • Before a box file layout can be made an amount of planning is required, but before that an idea is needed!
  • Oval layouts require a box at least 10.5" depth. Foolscap boxes are too narrow. I use Q-Connect boxes
  • Each box has a baseboard fitted, using 5mm foam board. This is painted with emulsion.
  • I use Kato track (from Japan), 117mm radius curves, the smallest radius available
  • Power enters the box via the rear using two banana sockets, from these wires go to the track
  • Analogue controllers are used with banana plugs fitted for connection to the box
  • Test the track before fixing!
  • Glue the track onto the foam board.
  • Before going further, you may want to fit a background picture to the lid and back wall.
  • If you require hills, etc, build this up with layers of foam board to form the hill. Skim the hill with polyfiller or the like, thinly,
  • Paint the hills to seal them.
  • Tunnels and cuttings: The curves are tight, make sure your locos and wagons will clear the hillside and tunnel entrances.
  • Buildings: What you use is up to you. I tend to use Metcalfe Models because they are so good, and easy to adapt.
  • Remember, the maximum height in a box is 65mm, or the lid won't come down!
  • Fix the buildings once you are happy with their positions.
  • You may want to make some walls, or acquire hedges and fences. Many are available

What Locos And trucks To Use

  • With an oval, you can only use very short wheel based locomotives and wagons.... The Flying Scotsman is definitely off the menu!
  • 03/04 Shunters work well. The Dapol Terriers also work but be warned they tend to have a gearing problem if run for too long!
  • The Kato Pocketline series is very good for these box files, and very affordable.
  • Small short wagons only!

End-To-End In Boxes

  • My End-To-End boxes are several boxes with cut outs for the trains to pass through.
  • The same principles as above are used, but you have move flexibility:
  • Foolscap boxes can be used.... They are a lot cheaper!
  • Standard British track (i.e. Peco) can be used as no really tight curves are required
  • Longer locos, trucks and coaches can be used.

The Rest Is Up To You!

That's it, the rest is up to you! I've not given all the very fine details, after all I had to work it out for myself, so have a go and see what happens.

If you have been inspired to try a box for yourself by what you have seen on this website, or by seeing the boxes at the various exhibitions Moor Boxes now get to then I guess my work here is done!

The Moor Boxes Golden Rule: If you do 'have a go' after reading all this, you have to send me a photo of what you made!!

Just one more thing... Please, don't copy like-for-like any of the boxes I have made. I took a lot of time thinking them through. Half the fun is designing your own anyway.


Pub Adapted  Aquaduct Pieces
The pub started life as a Terrace House Semi, but was adapted into the local pub.
The Aquaduct was built from scratch from Metcalfe's builder sheets of card

 Hill Cutting
Early days for the Farm and Holiday Park boxes
The bases have been painted, the backscenes added, track fixed and the hill has been formed



The base board is fitted, track laid to test

Planning Buildings
The track is fixed and wired. Building footprints are used to check for room