Blachford Quarry
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Having made the 'pretty' looking scene of Alpine Heights, the
next oval was to be somewhat grubbier!
The idea for Blachford Quarry was to create a small quarry
that was near the end of it's working life. It is located somewhere on Dartmoor, Devon with a rocky Dartmoor backscene
blending into the foreground.
Around the quarry nature is starting to show it's hand with
greenery poking through the old granite workings.
The oval track runs near the top of the box with the quarry
beneath it. There is a small siding that curves inside the oval.
It is here that the aggregate is loaded onto the train to be
In one of the boxes corners is a standing stone with sheep
grazing. In another corner there is a small security building
with a barrier crossing to the loading depot.
Beneath the railway sits the quarry itself. A road under the
railway bridge leads into the yard area. There is a deep disused
quarry pit now filled with water and fenced off to one side.
The main quarry building sits against the rock side where
granite is hoisted up to the main station at it's top. A
conveyer takes the granite into the building whilst a small
engine house powers the conveyer. There are other small work
huts that the workforce may visit, no doubt for the odd cup of
At the rock face man are are working, hoping to get the last
from the ground.
All the buildings are scratch built using Metcalfe card. The
conveyor belt is actually a plastic straw cut in half lengthways
and painted. The hoist is thread and it's platform made from balsa wood.
The rocks are small stones from the garden. The grey quarry
floor and sides are various grey scatters.
This is usually run with an industrial yellow livery 04
Shunter pulling cement wagons.
