Moor Boxes

Cobweb Towers

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Welcome to Cobweb Towers.... You may never leave!!

A spooky scene in a box, complete with Haunted House, a Witches Hovel and two witches, a gallows pole with some poor soul hanged(!), graveyard, the woodsman by his shed in the forest, a Pumpkin Patch, and a pagan ritual taking place in a Stone Circle.

Made primarily as a Halloween special.

An oval of track runs around the scene. The house and witches hovel are lit with coloured lights for an eerie effect, and a bonfire glows (single orange LED with slithers and shards from cut matchsticks) with the witches cauldron brewing something nasty.

The entire scene was designed and built from scratch.

The gallows pole is matchsticks jointed together. The gravestones are the leftovers from previous kits windows and painted. The various stones, included the stone circle/temple are from the back garden.

The witch flying over the hovel on her brrom stick is actually a stansard 2mm figure painted black. The broomstick is wire with crosstitch thread for bristles. The hovels thatch is also crosstich thread with a lot of PVA. The chimney smoke is pulled cotton wool.

Metcalfe card has been used for the house, hovel and bridge.

The track is Kato with 117mm radius curves.

The background scene was downloaded from the internet.

Hovel  Witch

 Wood Shed  Pumpkin Patch

Stone Circle


The Haunted House


The complete box