Moor Boxes

Dinaton Park

Part of 'The Cleeve Tram Line'

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Dinaton Park is an industrial area consisting of four lock-up style units along with a second-hand car sales garage at the front of the box, along with an allotment patch.

It serves as one of the two terminus ends fro the tram line, with a small platform and shelter which has been scratch built. The track has been set into the foamboard base and 'cobbles' fitted between (Metcalfe Cobbles builder card).

The lock-ups are by Metcalfe Models kits and have lights fitted. The small garage building is an old Bilt-eezi kit that has been strengthened somewhat and slightly modified to fit in with the rest of the buildings.

The small allotment area was added simply to break up the scene a little.

The track is Peco. There is no direct power to this box as it forms part of the entire tram line, however a long lead from the far end's terminus box plugs into the back from the shuttle unit to facilitate the track break required for automatic operation.

A variety of trams can be run on the line, but it's usually a single car 'Hiroshima' unit from Kato.

Dinaton View

The tyre repair Unit




Dinaton Box

Track Plan

Top down View
