Moor Boxes

Peacock Road

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Currently the last box to be created.

Peacock Road is a small Diesel Depot. A small yard for maintaining and servicing diesel locomotives.

This box differs from the other individual boxes in that it is built into a standard foolcap box, as opposed to the Q-Connect boxes used for the ovals. It is also different as a small part of the track sits outside of the box/scenic area serving as a 'fiddle' section.

The depot itself consists of a track entering the box from one side that splits into three lines, one then reversing back into the fuelling area. There is a maintenance shed that a loco runs into with a small office on it's side. The fuelling point is on the other side of the box.

There is a road behind the depot featuring some shops, a row of houses and a pub.

At the front of the box are the allotments complete with tool sheds and a greenhouse.

The maintenance shed is scratch built using Metcalfe card with a design quite literally made up by myself as I made it!.

The pub, shops and houses are all Metcalfe and were leftovers or buildings lifted from my other layouts.

The fuelling point is scratch built using balsa wood, scraps of card and lengths of solder for the hoses.

The track is Peco Setrack.

This box was a case of using up some spare bits of track and some left over buildings.... and a spare box!

A small board with a single 7" length of track sits outside the box.

Detail 1  Detail 2




Peacock Road Depot


Track Plan
