The Legal Bit
This is a page to cover myself.
Please note that whilst I really enjoy the fact that my box
files have given inspiration to some people to 'have a go' and
create their own boxes, there are a few limitations that I feel
it fair to impose.
If you make a box file inspired by what you have seen here,
or at an exhibition we've been at, PLEASE do not make a straight
copy. That's not being fair to me. I spent an awful lot of time
thinking about and designing each box. Please do your own, from
your own thoughts.
I would also ask that if you've got inspired by my models, if you make one (or more) you do not use it for financial
gain. I would possibly consider that as a violatation of my personal
I am more than happy to offer help and advice, but purely
from a personal use and hobby perspective.
I have removed the page on this site that gave an overview of
how to build a box file, a tad naive perhaps on my part.
Many thanks for your understanding.
Kevin Staden