Moor Boxes

Coming Soon!

The Purple Line

Multiple Boxes/End-To-End

  • Six linked boxes
  • Village Green
  • Harbour
  • Industrial Area with Dairy
  • A Junction
  • A double box sized farm
  • Passing Loop

(Status: Building)












Other Plans

This is really just a notepad with early ideas.

Oval Boxes

  • New Alpine Box
    • Possibly in a large/double box
    • (Status: Plan Exists)
  • Military Base
    • (Status: Plan Exists)
  • A Garden Centre
    • (Status: Plan Exists)
  • A Fairground
    • (Status: In My Head!)
  • A Circus
    • (Status: In My Head!)


Out of the Box Layouts

  • The Rival Breweries
    • 24"x12" Board
    • Two Brewery Buildings
    • Oval of track
    • Town above
    • (Status: Plan and board Exits, Some buildings ready)